Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years

Well, we've all been sick. Needless to say, my Love Dares have been put on hold. Between coughs, sneezes, bathroom issues and sleepless nights, Sug and I have maybe had 10 minutes total in the past week to share any type of information. We did somehow manage to take all the kids to dinner and a movie, where the baby proceeded to throw up all over me. Of course, we were at a hibachi restaurant and we were sitting with a group of other people we didn't know. Good Times!!! Our conversations have been sounding something like this: "Grrrrr" " "You, too?" "New Years Party?" " Everyone's coming" "Blahhhhh" "I know" "Honestly, poop?!?! You've got to be kidding?!!?" "Thinkin' about getting all my certifications this year" "Cool, me too." "Cool" "yuuuuuuuck" "Love you" "Love you too" I'll ring in the New Year starting The Love Dare over. I came across this link that made me think a little bit about what the whole concept of a new year is about. Check it out. . Wishing everyone a safe and happy New Year!!!"

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